Winter Acupressure Point : Ear Massage!

During the cold winter season, the Kidney is the organ system in charge. The Kidney is responsible for storing all of the Qi that you received at birth, and distributing it to depleted organ systems. Every organ system has an sense organ that connects to the outer world; the Kidney’s is the ears, so any issues relating to the cold weather (like achy bones), or any symptoms related to the ears, connect directly back to the energetic functioning of the Kidney. The ears are also special because they are acupuncture maps of the whole body, containing 120 points. In fact, some TCM practitioners only use points on the ears for treatment!

This season, we’re encouraging patients to engage in simple ear massage as a daily practice to boost circulation, stimulate the nervous system’s relaxation response, and open the meridian channels for smooth flow of energy.


  1. Front and back: With thumbs and middle fingers, simultaneously rub front and in back of the ears (inside the bowl, along the outter ridge, and even the tragus, the triangular nub above the lobe).

  2. Ear shells: Rub the connection point between the backs of the ears and the head with all your fingers. This will stimulate the autonomic nervous system and warm up your whole body, especially in the cold weather.

  3. Ear lobes: Using your thumb and index finger, pull down and out on the ear lobes.

  4. Work with gentle but firm pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute at a time until the ears feel warm to the touch. Feel free to pause and hold any places that feel particularly good!


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