My Eczema Story

About 20% of us suffer from Eczema and many suffer from infancy. I'm lucky that my story is a relatively short one.

Shortly after the new year, after a fall season spent in fast forward product development mode, holiday prep mode, and end of year business duties, I developed an intense burning sensation and insatiable itch on the back of my left hand. The discomfort kept me up at night, and after several nights, the tell-tale rash emerged. I had eczema.

Using a Chinese herbal ointment I had on hand and a custom made herbal tea, I was able to start treatment right away. Just to be sure, and to satisfy my husbands fear that I may have something more deadly, I visited the Dermatologist who confirmed my diagnosis and offered the standard steroid cream. While this steroid cream provided relief (I did use it twice), it can cause PERMANENT thinning of the skin.

Shortly after I arrived home, I went to work formulating a cream that would absorb better than the Chinese herbal ointment I had on hand. I also wanted to forumulate something that would provide relief from the dryness and discomfort incorporating Aloe, Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil. I made a batch with enough for several samples. As it turned out, people raved about the first batch. It worked for me. My hand cleared up in about a week. I've improved the formula to include Kokum butter, which through my research I found to be loaded with fatty acids and antioxidants. It has remarkable capability for healing dry flaky skin. Keep a look out for our Zi Cao Calming Cream.

So if you or anyone you know suffers from Eczema, try Chinese Medicine. Our approach is simple, custom tailored to fit the exact type and presentation of eczema, and it works.


March Mindfulness


What, No Salad?