Late Summer Point : Spleen 9

The season of late summer is associated with the Stomach and Spleen organs and the Earth Element. Dampness - due to both environmental heat and humidity as well as weak digestion - in late summer injures the Spleen organ and can affect us with symptoms of fatigue, heaviness in our bodies, foggy heads, low appetite, bloating, loose stools, UTIs and yeast infections. In this context, we are talking about how the climate of dampness can affect us, however, it must be said that we can also have symptoms of dampness due to our constitution or from diet (most notably dairy, sugar, cold food and drinks). 

Spleen 9 is a beloved and commonly used point among acupuncturists. It is most well known for its indication of ‘draining’ or resolving dampness. It is a great point to use acupressure on at home and it is quite easy to find. Here’s a tip on how to locate it: put a finger at the inside of your ankle bone and trace it all the way up the (tibia) bone until you meet resistance, right below the inside of the knee. In that little depression is Spleen 9 and it is typically a bit tender when pressure is applied.

Find the point, press or massage gently for 3-5 minutes. This is a wonderful time to sit for a short meditation or breathing practice. For this season, we like a breath ratio of 4:4:4:4 - inhale for 4 counts, hold in for 4, exhale for 4, hold out for 4 - it is a wonderful, balancing breath practice that will enhance the feel-good effects of your self-acupressure.


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