Autumn Point : Large Intestine 4

Large Intestine 4 is a powerful and very commonly used point in acupuncture and acupressure. It is a Yuan source point, likened to a gate at the beginning of the meridian channel, and allows practitioners to open the flow of energy to the Large Intestine, which to regulates the function of the intestines, eases digestion, and acts as a wonderful pain management tool. A great point any time of year, it is particularly helpful in the fall as it is used to strengthen one’s immune system or decrease the duration of colds and/or the flu. It can also be used for any type of problem with the face which includes jaw pain, toothache, allergies, acne. It is also a great point to relieve a headache or to clear heat and inflammation anywhere in the body.

You can find LI4, by locating the fleshy depression just beyond the meeting point where our thumb and first finger bones meet, in a “V” shape. This point is usually a little achy (especially when it needs some attention), which can help you know when you’ve found the right spot. You can then massage it with gentle to moderate pressure in small circular motion for several minutes. Acupressure usually works pretty quickly, so you should feel some relief within the first few minutes. If you are massaging LI4 for a migraine or acute sinus pain, you will likely need to repeat this massage throughout the day if the pain returns. This is also an excellent point to stimulate to help ease and regulate bowel movements, and can be incorporated as part of your daily routine.

We recommend practicing deep breathing while you are stimulating this point for 3-4 minutes. As the large intestine is ultimately responsible for elimination, you can try supporting this with a 2/4 breathing pattern of shorter inhalation and longer, slower exhalation.


Autumn : Metal Season


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