Spring Acupressure : The Four Gates

The Four Gates are a classical and potent combination comprised of two acupuncture points, one on the hand and one on the foot. Since the points are stimulated on both the left and the right, there are four locations in total, making up the Four Gates. Large Intestine 4 is a major acupuncture point for moving qi in the body, especially in the upper part. It also stimulates the Yang qi as well as expels Wind from the body, the pathogen of Spring. It can be stimulated to treat seasonal allergies, is great for headaches, body spasms, and even pain in the abdomen or lower back. The second point, Liver 3, also has a strong function in moving the qi in the body to regulate the Liver. It is found on the top of the foot in the space between the first and second metatarsal bones. Liver 3 has a beneficial effect on the eyes, treats dizziness, and seasonal allergies. It also treats painful menstrual cycles.

  • Apply firm and deep pressure

  • Take long and deep breaths while pressing

  • Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing

  • Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point

  • Press on a regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

To locate Large Intestine 4, with thumb and index finger, gently press the webbing between index finger and thumb of the opposite hand near where the bones come together. Repeat on the opposite side.*

To locate Liver 3, trace the bones of the big toe and second toe on the top of the foot. Liver 3 is the tender spot where the bones become closer together before they meet. Repeat on the opposite side.

*Do note to avoid pressing the LI4 point if you are pregnant.

Our recommended breathing practice for your seasonal acupressure practice is a long exhalation followed by a pause. To try, inhale through the nose for 4 counts, exhale through the mouth for 6, pause with all air expelled for 4, repeat for 2-5 minutes.


Fresh Turmeric Tea


Recipe : Goddess Glow poached Pears